11-15-2024, 09:04 AM
I'm afraid I've not been able to do any physical maintenance to the wires yet, but something strange is happening.
I've been noticing that the web UI will hang, waiting on connection to the websocket. I've also tried using the mqtt broker for the web UI and that's never managed to connect successfully.
So last night, I rolled back the firmware and web files to the previous stable version. It connected straight away, and the heater has been in E-00 ever since. It's been running on the thermostat over night, keeping the polytunnels toasty.
I've also noticed that the E-07 has never made it to the HomeAssistant logging via mqtt.
So, I'm not sure it changes anything, and I'm still going to do the cleaning of the terminals, but it does seem a lot more stable on the previous firmware. Time will tell though!
I've been noticing that the web UI will hang, waiting on connection to the websocket. I've also tried using the mqtt broker for the web UI and that's never managed to connect successfully.
So last night, I rolled back the firmware and web files to the previous stable version. It connected straight away, and the heater has been in E-00 ever since. It's been running on the thermostat over night, keeping the polytunnels toasty.
I've also noticed that the E-07 has never made it to the HomeAssistant logging via mqtt.
So, I'm not sure it changes anything, and I'm still going to do the cleaning of the terminals, but it does seem a lot more stable on the previous firmware. Time will tell though!